・:*  k e e p s a f e 

You are not helpless
You are not helpless

Pigeon said her Sonny Angel tiger was my twin and set it on her bedside table in front of her alarm clock, like a timekeeper.

“Tu es mon nounours toujours et je taime.”

“I try not to let myself grieve about things that have not yet happened.”

“Remember that life has its ups and downs and that feeling afraid or lacking confidence or valiance is not an indicator of weakness.”

“I’ve always thought of you as knightlike.”

March 18, 2024 : I bear the psychic scar and wear the shroud of grief. This is exactly what allows me to see myself in Sabine’s gull — but Sabine’s gull is not veiled or scarred : those are only his perfect markings. It was feathers always, wasn’t it ?