“The snow started again, the mountain’s an aching back. . .”
Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun.

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I went on a long walk in feels-like-16° weather. Slipped on ice a number of times. I was way too underdressed so my whole body was numb and I felt great. It wasn’t until I was defrosting in the heatered house that I could tell I’d been injured. Come nighttime Pigeon was panicked, his breathing fast and troubled. I sang him to sleep. I was surprised he fell asleep so quickly. My back hurt so bad it was hard to turn in bed. It was a good day.

Weird and wired, but able.
I felt like I was in a narrow hallway. It widened a little. My back still hurts.

The snow was so light that when it “fell” it appeared most of all to be gliding upwards : flying bugs. Racked by grief. I felt wings.

The moon his scythe, the clouds his rushing mantle black. Sad. “I thought I'd feel better today.” Prayed to George through clenched teeth staring at the Moon.

At night and from a distance in a snowy parking lot Rae turned her shoulder to face me and said nothing and somehow this struck me intuitively as evidence of God. In the deep night I felt horribly overwhelmed and scared. “It's been a hard few days.”
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I dreamed of St. George cookies stored on a high shelf in a wooden temple. On waking I was disappointed to find that, unlike St. Michel cookies, they have no tangible existence. I dreamed things were normal again. I don't feel like myself. It's hard. Sang Pigeon to sleep, "Safe & Sound."

A good morning. Up, down, and up again. At night in the woods I felt self-disgust so intense it gave me overwhelming nausea, and I laid down in the dirt beneath a tree by a snowy field and cried and waited. I calmed down. I felt better. "I like being your little bear. It means a lot to me. . ."

Consciencegnawing, nausea, cookiebutterlatte ( caffeine makes things worse — next time get decaf ). Sought advice and an OCD therapist. Relief. Peace came at night over ramuné and angel hair. The ramuné caused my upset stomach to disappear. I felt like I'd discovered fire. A good night. Everything was easier.

A-ok ! Finally !

Read "To Build A Fire" to Michael while he took a nap.

Periodically anxious, but good. Knelt in a field, forehead kissed the ground.

An episode of grief during which I seriously considered attending a Support Group. Later I felt good in a specific way : sometimes I feel so good it diminishes my capacity for sadness, and other times so sad being happy feels wrong, but today I felt balanced and multifaceted.
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Drew our bears.
Ours et nonours.
A good day.

An abnormally beautiful moon : yellow and lowhung and seeming full. One of the most striking I've ever seen.
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Accidentally stepped on a little ceramic shard in the kitchen and bled a bit. I had to pull it out like a splinter. I was periodically, illogically afraid I had contracted tetanus. My breathing was troubled, my shoulderblade sore, I felt like throwing up. I calmed down before bed. Thirty minutes after Michael fell asleep he woke up and asked if I was awake. I was and he told me his bad dreams and I comforted him and he said he was glad I was awake. I felt deeply happy.

Reminding myself I don't have tetanus and believing it. Guilt-tripped. A little blue, but okay. Sleeping in a new room.
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Talked Michael to sleep.
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Dinner was so tasty and indulgent, I ate till I was nauseous. Scared of dying in my sleep, I left the door open so Rae would be more likely to hear me if I called out from sleep-paralysis-choking. But I slept just fine.
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Michael dreamt of a painting of a goat in a museum, which is odd because recently I dreamt he called me "kid" affectionately — which I understood instantly in the dream was a term for a baby goat, though my waking self did not know this definition. Myself, I dreamt a snowy owl was staring at me moon-eyed and upclose and I was impressed, though not fearless. An answer to my snowöwl prayer on the 3rd ? The dream made quite an impression on me. Super happy. Je t’aime mon nounours.
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Horrible sudden mood shift. I promised not to hurt myself today or tomorrow.
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Mourning but my head was clear. It felt okay and I felt much better after sobbing. Calm, even serene. Intense affection.
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— Any negative degree prayers ?
— I didn't think of praying, but it was a religious experience anyway.

A waitress saw tears in my eyes, and I was embarrassed. Tears of joy.
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I'm so lucky to be your friend, Michael whispered. Super, super lucky. So lucky that it makes up for all my bad luck.



Four years ago today. I wrote Caroline a letter in my notebook. Ending it's always the most painful part. Like the pain of remembering that she's dead. Sobbing through gritted teeth. My face slimy with tears. Michael comforted me. He gifted me an icon.
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Love. Read you to sleep. Then listened to you breathing while I reread a favorite book of mine from ten years ago. This morning you dreamt you were standing over me. I was drawing a dragon on a worksheet, seated in a schooldesk. At the same time, I dreamt of a church with a large room devoted to George, full of art depicting him : in this great space only me, and two young children with their two young mothers. A reverend showed me a seat at a table with crayons and coloring sheets. After enough sleepovers, these matching dreams no longer surprise me. Actually, they make some kind of sense. The same kind of sense as when we both wake up at the same time in the middle of the night, the Kitchen night, night after night.

Snowjob offerletter. Grounding worksheet. Happiness.
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Scared tears. Comfort. Ranking self-harm alternatives.
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Eating grapes and catching bugs. At night my eyes watered as I listened to my Pigeon friend pray the rosary.

Down and up and down and up and down. Selfloathing. I tried to think of good things about myself ( an alternative to selfharm a worksheet recommended to guiltridden people like me ). I came up with two things before drawing a total blank.