J A N U A R Y | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thurs. | Fri. | Sat. | Sun. |
1 I went on a long walk in feels-like-16° weather. Slipped on ice a number of times. I was way too underdressed so my whole body was numb and I felt great. It wasn’t until I was defrosting in the heatered house that I could tell I’d been injured. Come nighttime Pigeon was panicked, her breathing fast and troubled. I sang her to sleep. I was surprised she fell asleep so quickly. My back hurt so bad it was hard to turn in bed. It was a good day. |
2 Weird and wired, but able. I felt like I was in a narrow hallway. It widened a little. My back still hurts. |
3 The snow was so light that when it “fell” it appeared most of all to be gliding upwards : flying bugs. Racked by grief. I felt wings. |
4 The moon his scythe, the clouds his rushing mantle black. Sad. “I thought I'd feel better today.” Prayed to George through clenched teeth staring at the Moon. |
5 At night and from a distance in a snowy parking lot Rae turned her shoulder to face me and said nothing and somehow this struck me intuitively as evidence of God. In the deep night I felt horribly overwhelmed and scared. “It's been a hard few days.” |
6 I dreamed of St. George cookies stored on a high shelf in a wooden temple. On waking I was disappointed to find that, unlike St. Michel cookies, St. George cookies have no real existence. I dreamed things were normal again. I don't feel like myself. It's hard. It's alright. |
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